
Showing posts from January, 2019

LAD/Blog #30: Wilson's First Inaugural

Woodrow Wilson ran for president in 1912 and ran as a democratic candidate. In his inaugural address Wilson talked about the nations individuals, wealth, and its government. He acknowledges that the governmetn has become democratic, and that the gilded age was a waste. Some of his progessive ideas are to make reform to the nation, and the nedd for laws that protect US citizens. At the end of his inagural address, he states how America needs to dedicate itself to reform.  Similar to woodrow wislons inagural address, JFK addresses the hardship that  America had past encountered.

LAD/Blog #29: Clayton Anti-Trust Act

The Sherman Anti-trust act was similar to the Clayton Anti-trust act, in that it prohibited bug business, but it also prohibited labor unions. This act was passed by Woodrow Wilson in 1914. Before, the government had been far to lenient with big businesses. This act was a response to the failure of the Sherman anti-Trust act. This act prohibited companies from making exclusive contracts, rebates, inter-corporate stock holdings, and price cutting. However the difference between this act and the Sherman Anti-trust act, was that this one no longer restricted labor unions. Instead of prohibiting unions, it protected the workers rights, which made it more successful.

LAD/Blog #28: Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

This act was created with the intent to improve working conditions for children. For example children's working hours were long and brutal, so this act shortened the amount children could work. This act also banned the sale of products produced by companies with underage children in their employ. Children could no longer work for over 8 hours a day and children under 14 were not allowed to work and children under 16 couldn't work in the mines. Business were also able to be punished if they didn't follow these standards. The horrific conditions that children were forced to work under, is what helped spark this progressive movement. .