
Showing posts from April, 2019

LAD #39: Brown V. Board of Education

During the 1950's segregation in schools was the way things were. Due to the Plessy vs. Ferguson case, segregation in schools was deemed legal on the premise that they were "separate but equal". Linda Brown was a black student who had to walk a mile to school when the white school was only a block away. Her dad tried to get her into the white school, but the principal denied his request. this circumstance was used to argue that the segregation of schools was not equal. this case was then brought to the district court and it was argued that schools were not equal. the defense argued that it was preparing them for the segregation they would face later in life. The case was then brought to the supreme court where and schools were finally forced to desegregate. The little rock nine was an effect of this decision where 9  black students were admitted into a white school for the first time.