LAD/Blog #22: Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth

Image result for gospel of wealthCarnegie's Gospel of Wealth discuses how the difference between the rich and the poor is beneficial to society. He claims that this inequality brings about advancements in civilization. Carnegie implicates social Darwinism in his book. Social Darwinism referring to survival of the fittest, because believes that although it may bring negatives on some, it is better for the whole. He then goes on to say that people should embrace this gap between rich and poor because it will end up being beneficial. Because the government has a lassez-faire approach to businesses, he believes that those with wealth have an obligation to society. This obligation can be met by proving money for the less fortunate or some type of charity. He says how an equal distribution of wealth will never work because money would only be held on to and then none would get spent and therefor there would be no advancement.
Image result for bill gates
Similar to Carnegie, Bill Gates makes many charitable contributions to further society. 


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