LAD #37: FDR’s Executive Order 9066

Image result for executive order 9066The Executive Order 9066 was brought into effect After Pearl Harbor. Because of the horrible attack on Pearl Harbor, the American people became very cautious and concerned with the Japanese Americans. This was mainly fear that was related to people believing or thinking that the Japanese people who lived in Americas could be spies. Due to this fear, executive order 9066 was put in place. This order, allowed for the creation of military zones, in which the Japanese Americans were forced to move there. This action, isolated the Japanese people from the rest of America. These camps held over 120,000 innocent Japanese people. FDR gave his secretary of war, the power to enforce this order.
Image result for dawes act
This was similar to the Dawes Act, which allowed for the forceful relocation of Native Americans to Reservations. 


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