Image result for peter zenger

1.) Who was Peter Zenger?
-- Perter Zenger was the printer for the New York Weekly Journal Newspaper. Governor Cosby, tried to shut down the newspaper, due to its many satires, articles, and lampoons accusing him of tyranny. After many attemps, Zenger was tried of seditious libel, and found not guilty due to his injust sentancing.

2.)What was the controversy over his charges?
--The conroversy of this case was the freedom of press. Prosecution argued that he was guilty of seditious libel, due to what Zenger published for the newspapers about Govoner Cosby. Zengers lawyer Andrew Hamilton argued that he was not guilty of the charge.

3.)What influence did his case have on American governmental traditions?
--This case had a large influnce on American goverment traditions, becasue it set an example of freedom of press. This case influenced how the press can oppose the goverment or goverment officals, due to freedom of press.

4.)What is the lasting significance of his trial?
--The lasting significance in this trial is the freedom of press. This trial helped set up for the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Sedition Act of 1798.
Image result for first amendment
This relates to the trial of Peter Zenger, becasue
the first amendment says that people have freedom
of speach, similar to freedom of the press. 


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