LAD/Blog #6: Federalist Paper

1.  What is a faction?
-- A faction is a group of people, united by similar interest in politics and economics. These groups can be either a minority or a majority.

2.  Are factions good or bad?
--  Factions can be good by promoting ideas that the population may agree with. However, mostly they are bad. In most cases factions can bring about change that the majority of the population doesn't agree with. Factions also divide up the people, pitting one group against the other.

3.  Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
-- Factions are so difficult to eliminate, because as long as people have differences in opinion, differences in wealth, and differences in property there will be a separation of people. The only way to get rid of factions, would be by eliminating liberty and the democratic principles of what the United States was built upon.

4.  If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?
--According to Madison, there are only two ways to control factions, the first being to remove its causes. However this is impossible to do without the destruction of liberty or forcing everyone to have the same opinion. The second is controlling the effects of a faction. For example, smaller and weaker factions, could be controlled by the government.
Image result for factions of democratic party
The Democratic and Republican parties each have factions within them,
 each with their own ideals. Meaning that not everyone in one party might agree on some ideas.
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