Blog #3: Declaration of Independence.

1.) List the democratic principals in the opening.
-- The opening of the Declaration of Independence, clearly shows the democratic principals that the colonists wanted in their new government after the tyranny of King George III rule. The declaration states that if the government should derive their power from the consent of the governed, and if a government were to get out of control of the people, it is the duty of the people to abolish it. The declaration also mentions that every man has the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"

2.) List 5 grievances the colonists were making the King aware of.
-- The grievances that the colonists wanted to bring to King Georges attention were injustices in the eyes of the Americans. Some of those grievances were, quartering large bodies of armed troops among the colonists, cutting off American trade with all parts of the world, imposing taxes on them without their consent, not allowing, the benefits of trial by jury for many cases, and for protecting troops who committed murders in the states.

3.)Summarize what the final paragraph is saying.
--This final paragraph showed the British that the colonies, were their free and own independent state. Stating that they had the right to "levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do". This final paragraph proved to the British that the United States were no longer the colonies of Britain.
Image result for united states bill of rights
The Bill of Rights is similar to the declaration,
 because each focuses on limiting the
 power the government has on people.
Image result for declaration of independence


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