Blog #4: Rethinking the Revolution

List 5 things that you learned by reading the article by John Ferling, "Rethinking the Revolution".

1.) The Civil War was named the first modern war. This was due to the invention of the camera, which allowed photos to be taken for the first time ever in a war. These pictures truly emphasized the horror of the war.

2.) Another thing i learned was that Independence Day, was originally meant to honor and celebrate the military aspect of the revolution, however later it became a celebration of the political independence.

3.) The most remembered men from the civil war were military men, like General E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Contrast to this the majority of men remembered from the American Revolution, were civilian leaders, like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.

4.) During the revolutionary war, the Amreicans who invaed Canada, ran so short of food, that they were forced to eat pet dogs and created a soup that consisted of boiled shoes, and melted candle wax. 

5.) During World War II, people went to movie theaters, to watch the newsreels. these were scripted short films, that brought back news from the front lines, to the homefront. 

Image result for photo of civil war
Photo from the Civil War
Image result for civil rights movement
Similar to the American Revolution,
the Civil rights movement was also a
group of people fighting for their rights.


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