Blog #5: Republican Motherhood

1.) What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?
-- The American Revolution created ideas about independence and patriotism. These ideals transformed the role of women, because the people wanted these ideas to continue through further generations. Because of this, women's roles changed from being a housewife to being tasked with raising future patriots who followed American ideals.

2.) What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?
-- Although this was a large step forward for women, there were some drawbacks to their new found role. For example although women were able to receive an education, it was strictly limited to what they would need to teach their sons, like reading, writing, and the principles of liberty and government. An even greater consequence, was if they should fail to raise their sons to be patriotic republicans, the blame would be placed on them.

3.) What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?
-- This was very critical in the process of women's socialization. Mothers became of much greater value due to the role they played in teaching their sons to be patriotic. Because of this, women were able to achieve an education, and even played parts in politics. Not to mention, this gave the women a great deal of pride to be in charge of raising a great nation. 

Image result for Mary Gibson Tilghman and her sons by Charles Willson Peale

1. Describe the setting.
--The setting of the painting, is in a well furnished household, with a mother and her two sons dressed nicely in dresses, and politely posing for the painter. 

2. Who serves at the center of the portrait and why?  How does the woman look?  How is she “republican” rather than aristocratic?
--Mary Gibson Tilgham is at the center of the painting, this symbolizes that shes the center of the household, and responsible for the family. She looks very pleased with herself, as though she knows she did a good job with the upbringing of the house. She is defiantly republican, due to the fact she is well dressed, but not the the point of luxury and excessivness, as Old English aristocrats did. 

3. What values do her sons exhibit?
--Her sons show strong values of discipline and politeness, as they are patiently waiting in their mothers lap, instead of acting wild, as one might expect a child of their age to do. 

4. Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham’s arm?
-- Mrs. Tilghams arm could symbolize her power or dominance in the family. This is because it is around her son, as if to show that she is in control of the household. 

Image result for women's suffrage
Women's suffrage, is similar to this, because
 in both cases, women were granted more 
rights, putting them closer to gender equality


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