LAD/Blog 11 Monroe Doctrine

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The Monroe Doctrine was a defining moment for the United States, in terms of foreign policy. It was created in 1823 and was presented to Congress in President Monroe’s seventh annual message. The main purpose of this document was to ensure that European powers like Britain and France, refrained from attempting to colonize the west. Another point created in the doctrine was that the United States would take the necessary steps to defend itself if other European powers tried to infiltrate and take American land. Monroe then also continues to say that America wouldn't involve themselves in any European war, and that if war were to break out, America wouldn't align themselves with anyone. This was all because the main priority for America at the time was to stay neutral.

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The Proclamation of Neutrality, created by George Washington
on April 22, 1793 stated that the U.S. would remain neutral in the war
 between France and Britain, similar to the Monroe Doctine. 


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