LAD/Blog #19: The Dred Scott Decision

In the Dred Scott vs. Sanford in 1857, the Supreme court ruled in favor of Sanford. This is still seen as one of the worst ruling in American history. In this case, Taney questions the citizenship's of African Americans. He states that only citizens can sue in court, and since blacks were not citizens, Scott had n right to sue. Taney also ruled that the Missouri compromise was also unconstitutional because it deprived people of their property. As a result of this, Dred Scott wasn't freed and remained a slave.

Image result for Ableman v. Booth
Ableman v. Booth was another similar case where the court decided that the Fugitive Slave Act was constitutional making slaves who made it to a free state were to be returned to their owners.

Image result for Dred Scott vs. Sanford


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